Гетероциклы в фокусе


The Editorial board of the journal Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds is pleased to announce the first article in our new section “Heterocycle in Focus” (HiF) – A. Urbanaitė, I. Čikotienė, Synthesis of 4H-thiazines - http://hgs.osi.lv/faili/Focus_2726-en.pdf.


The section HiF will be devoted to mini-review articles with a compact compilation of recent information (for the last 5–10 years) on a selected heterocyclе:

its synthesis, properties, or applications as a product, reactant, or ligand (number of authors: 1–2; number of pages – up to 2.5).


We invite you to contribute to this section by submitting a HiF review article. The respective template can be found under http://hgs.osi.lv/faili/HiF-en-mine.doc.


Expected publication time – approximately 2 months from the day of submission.

Submission of papers on-line: http://hgs.osi.lv

E-mail: hgs@osi.lv